Sadie Sapiens

Friday, October 30, 2015


“Hi, it’s me Sadie here. My dear cyber pal, the beautiful and famous, Tais Toi, a/k/a Jolie, who is a member of the Renaissance performance troop, The Trouvères is checking in with me to discuss what costumes we’ll be wearing for Halloween. I’m still not sure yet, but Tais Tois is going to wear a very bewitching ensemble. Take a look...

“Jolie” photo courtesy of daddy & mommy, Michael and Grace Peters

Tais Tói says,  Hello everyone! I’m so excited about tomorrow night! Daddy Michael and Mommy Grace are taking me trick-or-treating and then to a fancy dress ball. I’m looking forward to getting lots of dog treats (no chicken bones or chocolate of course), and then dancing the night away until midnight. What do you think of my outfit? Do you think it’s me?  Well, everyone, I’m being called for dinner. Hope you all have a wonderful Halloween and you get more treats than tricks! Bye for now. <3 Tais Toi.’”

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sadie Saves

"Hi everyone, it's me Sadie!  Today I want to introduce you my newest canine friend "Cyclops."  He's a four-year-old short-haired male/neutered Chihuahua mix who's hoping he'll be adopted soon. Cyclops is a spunky little guy with a great big personality and boundless energy - he's, always ready to go and loves having a good play session, but also loves to wind down getting lots of loving tummy rubs. He would do best in a family with children over the age of seven, and with no other pets because he enjoys being the center of attention and has lots of love to give. Cyclops is waiting for his forever family to visit him and get to know him. He currently is available for adoption through the Second Chance Animal Shelter, East Brookfield, Massachusetts.  His animal ID number is 28633211.  Please, share his picture and story with your family, friends and social networks, and together we will find him a new home. I thank you. Love, Sadie"

A message from author Jeff T. Bauer ~

"Sadie, the fictional talking dog, and her fictional family of intelligent canines are based on real-life rescued Chihuahuas that my wife and I have adopted over the years.  Anybody who lives with a dog realizes how smart they really are and even if they can't speak Doglish there's certainly love and intelligence in their beautiful eyes.  So many animals, dogs and cats, are discarded or euthanized every year because there's simply too many of them out there and not enough loving human homes to adopt them,  Dogs and cats totally rely on the humans that domesticated them to survive.  I hope through Sadie's stories that more people will come to appreciate the wonder and responsibility we have to welcome these animals into our lives or at least help keep the unwanted population lower by spay and neuter.

Sadie Saves is serious business spoken by a cute fictional character.  Just sit back and imagine if there truly was a spokesdog for all dog-and-cat kind.  Wouldn't you rather save an animal at a shelter that's probably looking at a shortened lifespan if it isn't adopted?  Who knows, maybe the next adopted dog will turn out to be the real-life speaking Sadie."

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sadie Saves

"Hi everyone, it's me Sadie wishing you a splendid Sunday!  Today I'm here to tell and show you the extraordinary rescue of my two new canine friends "Cola" and "Pepsi."  They were found living in dreadful and scary conditions underneath 10 lanes of a Los Angeles freeway, and were carefully rescued and lovingly rehabilitated by the awesome folks at Hope for Paws. Both dogs are poodle mix and are about 1-1/2 years old, and are believed to be sister (Cola) and brother (Pepsi).They are playful and personable. Currently, they are in foster care but are now available for adoption as a bonded pair through Maltese Rescue of California. Please view their rescue on the video below provided by the Hope for Paws Official Rescue Channel and share their story with your family, friends and social networks. Together I know we will find them a 'forever family' to call their own."


A message from author Jeff T. Bauer ~

"Sadie, the fictional talking dog, and her fictional family of intelligent canines are based on real-life rescued Chihuahuas that my wife and I have adopted over the years.  Anybody who lives with a dog realizes how smart they really are and even if they can't speak Doglish there's certainly love and intelligence in their beautiful eyes.  So many animals, dogs and cats, are discarded or euthanized every year because there's simply too many of them out there and not enough loving human homes to adopt them,  Dogs and cats totally rely on the humans that domesticated them to survive.  I hope through Sadie's stories that more people will come to appreciate the wonder and responsibility we have to welcome these animals into our lives or at least help keep the unwanted population lower by spay and neuter.

Sadie Saves is serious business spoken by a cute fictional character.  Just sit back and imagine if there truly was a spokesdog for all dog-and-cat kind.  Wouldn't you rather save an animal at a shelter that's probably looking at a shortened lifespan if it isn't adopted?  Who knows, maybe the next adopted dog will turn out to be the real-life speaking Sadie."

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

An understanding soul…

“My friend Chester says, ‘Now, now – it can’t be all that bad! Please, tell me what happened and maybe I can provide some insight. After all, I’m your best friend, and that’s what best friends are for!”’

Cute Dog by Peter Griffin

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sadie Saves

“Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie, wishing you a splendid Sunday!  Today, I want to introduce you to some very special humans who are making a significant difference in the lives of senior and disabled canines and felines.  Oftentimes, the elderly and infirm in the animal kingdom are euthanized or given up for adoption, and sadly are provided with no hope for a better future.  One organization, The Heart Senior Pet Sanctuary, located in Gaithersburg, Maryland is dedicated to providing exemplary care and quality of life to dogs and cats so that their ‘golden years’ are truly golden, and that their every need is met in making their lives comfortable and worthwhile.  Please see the video below, INSIDE A DOG RETIREMENT HOME  – my thanks to  the National Geographic Channel for capturing the dedication and care provided by Sher Polvinale and her team of volunteers.  To learn more about House with a Heart Senior Pet Sanctuary, please follow this link.

A message from author Jeff T. Bauer ~

"Sadie, the fictional talking dog, and her fictional family of intelligent canines are based on real-life rescued Chihuahuas that my wife and I have adopted over the years.  Anybody who lives with a dog realizes how smart they really are and even if they can't speak Doglish there's certainly love and intelligence in their beautiful eyes.  So many animals, dogs and cats, are discarded or euthanized every year because there's simply too many of them out there and not enough loving human homes to adopt them,  Dogs and cats totally rely on the humans that domesticated them to survive.  I hope through Sadie's stories that more people will come to appreciate the wonder and responsibility we have to welcome these animals into our lives or at least help keep the unwanted population lower by spay and neuter.

Sadie Saves is serious business spoken by a cute fictional character.  Just sit back and imagine if there truly was a spokesdog for all dog-and-cat kind.  Wouldn't you rather save an animal at a shelter that's probably looking at a shortened lifespan if it isn't adopted?  Who knows, maybe the next adopted dog will turn out to be the real-life speaking Sadie."

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Part of the bargain…

“Puppy says, ‘But, you promised!  You said if I was good you’d take me for a ride in the car and we could go to the park.  Please-o-please-o-pretty please?”’

Cute Puppy by Peter Griffin

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sadie Saves

Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie wishing you a Happy Sunday, and am asking you to continue to help me get the word out about my friend Jake, who is still hoping to be adopted. You may remember that I originally introduced him to you on August 2nd, and that he’s available for adoption through the Second Chance Animal Shelter in East BrookfieldMassachusetts.  His Identification number is - 10799745. Please continue to share his new picture and story with your family, friends and social networks.  Together I’m sure we will find him a ‘forever family.’  I thank you for your help.  Love, Sadie”

“Jake says, ‘Hello everyone. I’m a six-year old Australian Shepherd mix looking for an active family to adopt me.  I’m a friendly boy that enjoys going for long walks and playing fetch.  I need to go to an adult home who can work with me getting out my energy and working on turning me into even more of a gentleman.  I like to think of myself as King and would be best with no other animals to challenge my reign.  I am a super dog in the right environment and would excel in an environment where I can focus my energy into correct channels.  I am a loyal boy and have a lot of love to give.  I go for daily adventures with one of my friends here at the shelter to his lake house.  I love going for rides in his truck and meeting new people.  He says I do wonderful and really enjoy relaxing at the lake.  Please stop by Second Chance Animal Shelter to see if I am the right fit for you.”

A message from author Jeff T. Bauer ~

"Sadie, the fictional talking dog, and her fictional family of intelligent canines are based on real-life rescued Chihuahuas that my wife and I have adopted over the years.  Anybody who lives with a dog realizes how smart they really are and even if they can't speak Doglish there's certainly love and intelligence in their beautiful eyes.  So many animals, dogs and cats, are discarded or euthanized every year because there's simply too many of them out there and not enough loving human homes to adopt them,  Dogs and cats totally rely on the humans that domesticated them to survive.  I hope through Sadie's stories that more people will come to appreciate the wonder and responsibility we have to welcome these animals into our lives or at least help keep the unwanted population lower by spay and neuter.

Sadie Saves is serious business spoken by a cute fictional character.  Just sit back and imagine if there truly was a spokesdog for all dog-and-cat kind.  Wouldn't you rather save an animal at a shelter that's probably looking at a shortened lifespan if it isn't adopted?  Who knows, maybe the next adopted dog will turn out to be the real-life speaking Sadie."

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Canine Correctness

"Hi everyone, it's me Sadie.  As many of you know I LOVE spending time surfing on my pack leader's computer (when he's not  around.)  Anyway, the other day I found this terrific video of some of my canine pals and how they forage for food when their families aren't around, and even when they are.  I definitely think I learned a thing or two just watching them.  LOOK OUT FAMILY, and my thanks to America's Funniest Home Videos."

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sadie Saves

Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie wishing you a Happy Sunday, and asking you to help me get the word out about my friend Jake, who is still hoping to be adopted. You may remember that I introduced him to you on August 2nd, and he’s available for adoption through the Second Chance Animal Shelter in East Brookfield, Massachusetts.  Please share his picture and story with your family, friends and social networks.  Together I’m sure we will find him a ‘forever family.’  I thank you for your help.  Love, Sadie”

“Jake says, ‘Hello everyone. I’m a six-year old Australian Shepherd mix looking for an active family to adopt me.  I’m a friendly boy that enjoys going for long walks and playing fetch.  I need to go to an adult home who can work with me getting out my energy and working on turning me into even more of a gentleman.  I like to think of myself as King and would be best with no other animals to challenge my reign.  I am a super dog in the right environment and would excel in an environment where I can focus my energy into correct channels.  I am a loyal boy and have a lot of love to give.  I go for daily adventures with one of my friends here at the shelter to his lake house.  I love going for rides in his truck and meeting new people.  He says I do wonderful and really enjoy relaxing at the lake.  Please stop by Second Chance Animal Shelter to see if I am the right fit for you.”’

A message from author Jeff T. Bauer ~

"Sadie, the fictional talking dog, and her fictional family of intelligent canines are based on real-life rescued Chihuahuas that my wife and I have adopted over the years.  Anybody who lives with a dog realizes how smart they really are and even if they can't speak Doglish there's certainly love and intelligence in their beautiful eyes.  So many animals, dogs and cats, are discarded or euthanized every year because there's simply too many of them out there and not enough loving human homes to adopt them,  Dogs and cats totally rely on the humans that domesticated them to survive.  I hope through Sadie's stories that more people will come to appreciate the wonder and responsibility we have to welcome these animals into our lives or at least help keep the unwanted population lower by spay and neuter.

Sadie Saves is serious business spoken by a cute fictional character.  Just sit back and imagine if there truly was a spokesdog for all dog-and-cat kind.  Wouldn't you rather save an animal at a shelter that's probably looking at a shortened lifespan if it isn't adopted?  Who knows, maybe the next adopted dog will turn out to be the real-life speaking Sadie."

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Tais Toi does the Hamptons

“Hi, it’s me Sadie here. My cyber pal, the beautiful and famous, Tais Toi, a/k/a Jolie, who is a member of the Renaissance performance troop, The Trouvères is pausing from her world tour to check in with us while vacationing in the Hamptons! Tais Toi says, 

 “Jolie” photo courtesy of daddy & mommy, Michael and Grace Peters

‘Greetings from the village of Southampton, New York my dearest friend and fans! We’re taking a few days off for some much needed rest and relaxation before heading off to Connecticut to continue our World Tour.  Originally, we were scheduled to vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, but we thought it best to steer clear of all the paparazzi during the First Family’s vacation. Also, I didn’t want to steal the spotlight nor make the job of the Secret Service agents more stressful.   Daddy Michael and mommy Grace are taking me to the beach today, and then later this evening we’re attending a private soiree for some Hollywood types. Anyway, what do you think of my new beach attire – is it me?   Well, my dear Sadie and friends, I must run! Till we meet again.  <3 Tais Toi”’

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sadie Saves: Contest Winner

“Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie 

Sadie photo courtesy Jeff & Jacki Bauer

I’m here to announce the winner of THE NAME THESE PUPPIES CONTEST. Drum roll please and congratulations to:

~ Cindy Butler (via Peanut) ~

Signed copies of Sadie Sapiens and Canine Colony will soon arrive at her door.

And the winning names for each puppy


TRAVELING DOG or TD for short






I also have some other wonderful news to share – four of June’s puppies have been adopted!!  There are still two more puppies that would love to find a ‘forever family.’  So, if you would please, spread the word with your family, friends and social networks, and together we can bring them to their new homes. Adoption information is available at the City of Tallahassee – Animal Service Center’sFacebook page. Thank you. Love, Sadie

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sadie Saves

“Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie, thanking you for all your submissions in our NAME THESE PUPPIES CONTEST!  Next Sunday, August 9, I will post the winner of the contest along with the winning names.  Until then, you know what today is if you are a regular follower on my blog – it’s the day I help get the word out about my animal friends who are hoping to be adopted. Today, I’d like to introduce you to my new friend Jake who is currently available for adoption through the Second Chance Animal Shelter in East Brookfield, Massachusetts. Please share his picture and story with your family, friends and social networks. Together I’m sure we will find him a ‘forever family.’ I thank you for your help.  Love, Sadie”

“Jake says, ‘Hello everyone. I'm a six year old Australian Shepherd mix looking for an active family to adopt me. I am a friendly boy that enjoys going for long walks and playing fetch. I need to go to an adult home who can work with me on getting out my energy and working on turning me into even more of a gentleman. I like to think of myself as King and would be best with no other animals to challenge my reign. I am a super dog in the right environment and would excel in an environment where I can focus my energy into correct channels. I am very loyal boy and have a lot of love to give. I go for daily adventures with one of my friends here at the shelter to his lake house. I love going for rides in his truck and meeting new people. He says I do wonderful and really enjoy relaxing at the lake. Please stop by Second ChanceAnimal Shelter to see if I am the right fit for you.”’

A message from author Jeff T. Bauer ~

Sadie, the fictional talking dog, and her fictional family of intelligent canines are based on real-life rescued Chihuahuas that my wife and I have adopted over the years. Anybody who lives with a dog realizes how smart they really are and even if they can't speak Doglish, there's certainly love and intelligence glittering in their beautiful eyes.  So many animals, dogs and cats, are discarded or euthanized every year because there's simply too many of them out there and not enough loving human homes to adopt them.  Dogs and cats totally rely on the humans that domesticated them to survive. I hope through Sadie's stories that more people will come to appreciate the wonder and responsibility we have to welcome these animals into our lives or at least help keep the unwanted population lower by spay and neuter. Sadie Saves is serious business spoken by a cute fictional character.  Just sit back and imagine if there truly was a spokesdog for all dog- and cat-kind.  Wouldn't you rather save an animal at a shelter that's probably looking at a shortened lifespan if it isn't adopted? Who knows, maybe the next adopted dog will turn out to be the real-life speaking Sadie.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sadie Saves: Updating puppies

“Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie and I’m sharing some new pictures of the six puppies my human family and canine pack are fostering.  The photos below were taken yesterday, before and after a playtime pool party we hosted for them. The puppies all had a great time and so did we! I hope you are thinking of names for each of these cute critters (five boys and one girl) as our NAME THESE PUPPIES contest will close on Saturday, August 1st 2015 at 11:59 pm PDT.  The winner, along with the names for all of the puppies will be announced here on my blog, Sunday, August 9th.  If this is the first time you’re visiting my blog, or want to look back at the puppies as they progressed, please follow these links to my first post from June 28th;  the second post, which included contest rules and prizes on July 2nd ;  the third post on July 12th , and the fourth post on July 19th.  Remember; please submit your puppy names to me at Okay, it’s time now for you to see the six puppies!! “


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sadie Saves: Special Edition II

"Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie wishing you a splendid Saturday, and asking for your help in finding a ‘forever family’ for my newest canine friend, Woofie. She’s a sweet a Pomeranian/Chihuahua mix who is available for adoption through the Animal Aid Foundation here in Tallahassee, Florida.  Her unfortunate background is all too familiar, as she was rescued from a puppy mill where she was forced to breed and live under deplorable conditions. The kind and caring staff at Animal Aid have given Woofie a great deal of love and rehabilitation, which included bathing, treatment for hookworms, spaying and bringing all her vaccines up-to-date.

Woofie says, ‘My life is so much better now because of the kindness of my human caretakers here at Animal Aid, but I want to find a family that I can call my own. Please, share my story with your family, friends and social networks, as I hope someone will want to visit me here at Animal Aid, and hopefully adopt me. Thank you, Woofie.”’

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sadie Saves: Special Edition

“Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie sharing a special and urgent request to help find a loving adoptive home for my newest Chihuahua friend, Rachel. Humans recently saved her from the deplorable conditions at a puppy mill. When she was brought to the Animal Aid Foundation here in Tallahassee, Florida, she was covered in filth and soaked in urine and feces. Their kind and compassionate staff have provided Rachel with a great deal of love and care. She has been bathed, treated for hookworms, spayed, and all her vaccines have been brought up to date.

Rachel says, ‘I’m feeling so much better now and am looking forward to a brighter future and hoping to be adopted. I want you to know that I enjoy being around people and dogs. Please come by and visit me today at Animal Aid or share my story with your family, friends and social networks. I’m hoping to find my forever family.”’

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sadie Saves: Puppies Update

“Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie, wishing you a happy Sunday! As promised, below is a pictorial and video update of the six puppies and their mother that our family is fostering here in Florida.  Needless to say, they are as cute as can be and lots of fun!  They all still look pretty much the same, but they are starting to develop personalities.  In a few weeks, they all are going to need names before they are available for adoption, and that’s the reason we’re having a NAME THESE PUPPIES CONTEST (just follow this link for more information.)  Hope you start thinking of some names and you submit them to me at by the contest deadline, which is August 1, 2015.  Hope you enjoy this update, and be sure to share with your family, friends and social networks.  Love, Sadie”

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Wiener Dog Alert!

“It’s no secret that I love to interpret speech for my animal friends.  Well, this video doesn’t require my language skills because it’s just plain funny, and besides, Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund and his pal do an excellent job of acting in their own very version of the Minions Movie.  Hope this makes you smile.  Love, Sadie 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bastille Day with Tais Toi

“Hi, it’s me Sadie here. My cyber pal, the beautiful and famous, Tais Toi, a/k/a Jolie, who is a member of the Renaissance performance troop, The Trouvères is checking in while on her world tour to report on her newest location, Paris, France.

Tais Tói says, ‘Bonjour my dear friend and fans! We’re celebrating Bastille Day in the magnificent City of Light (La Ville Lumière.) We’re having après-midi, le déjeuner at a quaint outdoor cafe in Montmartre. Chef Pierre has prepared a delicious soupe de bœuf for me, while daddy Michael and mommy Grace are enjoying Brie served with a crisp baguette and some Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Later today, we’ll walk all those wonderful calories off with a stroll through The Tuileries Garden.  Then tonight, the pièce de résistance – an evening dinner cruise on the river Seine, followed by an astounding fireworks display. I’ve put on my best beret for the event – what do you think, is it me? Well, my dears, I must run. Au revoir mon ami. <3 Tais Toi”’


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sadie Saves: 6 Puppies to Name

Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie, wishing you all a splendid Sunday, and sharing an update about the six puppies and their mother that our family is fostering. If this is news to you, please check out my post from Thursday, July 3rd, and you’ll learn more about them and our NAME THESE PUPPIES Contest!  The cute picture below is one of the little darlings, and if you link to my pack leader’s Facebook author fan page, you’ll see a video featuring all of the puppies.  I hope you’re starting to think of some names and share their story with your family, friends, and social networks.  For a chance to win, please be sure to send me your name suggestions at :   Love, Sadie.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Road trip entertainment…

“Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie.  Summertime is a great time to hit the vacation road, and if you’ll be taking off and traveling in the next few weeks, please check out my SADIE SAPIENS audiobook.  You’ll get almost 11 hours of a compelling entertainment that will make you laugh, cry and wonder about the world we live in as the story of my life unfolds.  Written by my pack leader and favorite author Jeff T. Bauer, and narrated by actress Paula Slade (who does a real mean imitation of my voice) you’ll discover how I learned to speak, use the computer and become the world’s smartest dog and newest species. Please follow the links below to listen to an excerpt of my story, SADIE SAPIENS, read reviews, and learn about special purchasing promotions through Amazon and Audible.  Safe travels and happy listening!  Love, Sadie” 

Written by: Jeff T. Bauer
Narrated by: Paula Slade
Length 10 hrs and 51 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release Date: 11-18-14
Publisher: Jeff T. Bauer
Whispersync for Voice-ready


"Plenty of depth in one little dog! This is not your average 'talking dog' story. While SADIE SAPIENS certainly has its cute and humorous moments, the book explores a much broader and deeper range of emotional and intellectual territory than its whimsical premise might imply. Super-smart Chihuahua Sadie and her teenage human companion Emma brave their way through a roller coaster ride of exciting and harrowing experiences. Many of their adventures center around Sadie’s remarkable talents, but just as often the drama arises from the everyday tragedies and triumphs of real life. Both heroines emerge from their respective traumas stronger, wiser, and with a greater sense of self. Their journey is a heartwarming one, with a dog/human 'pack' bond like no other."

"Sadie sheds light on so many important aspects on human and canine relationships thru a unique storyline that will capture your heart, mind and spirit. This story addresses important moments of death (both of pets and humans), animal cruelty, humane treatment of pets and the not-so humane, animal shelters & foster caregivers... just to name a few. "

Sound sample and purchasing available through

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Open Call for Cyber Pals

“Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie. Hope you all had a great holiday!  If you’re a regular follower of my blog, you know how much I love to get your pictures and e-mails for posting here. Well, today I’d like to take a moment to salute all my regular animal friend cyber pals and extend an invitation to new ones!  To be featured on my blog, all I need is your name, a picture of you, a few words about yourself, and the name of the human who is submitting the information for you. I’d love to share your picture with my fans, and since I’m the world’s first talking dog, I’ll help translate your words to the world!  Please send your submissions to   Now, in alphabetical order here are my wonderful cyber pal buddies along with links to their stories.  Hope to hear from you soon. Love, Sadie.”








Meatball& Spice  




Thursday, July 2, 2015

Star Spangled Surprise!

“Hi everyone, it’s me Sadie and have I got a surprise for you!!  For those of you who are regular followers of my blog, and you’ve seen my Sadie Saves post from last Sunday, June 28th, you know that my pack leader and our whole family are fostering a beautiful Chihuahua named June and her six adorable puppies.  Well, great news – all the puppies have finally opened their eyes and I’m presenting photos of each of them to you!  In addition to having you help me get the word out that in several weeks all of these wonderful canines will be available for adoption, I’m running a contest to NAME THESE PUPPIES!!  Here’s all you have to do enter:

-          Take a look at all the puppy pictures in this post.

-          Think up a name for each puppy (puppy gender is next to their number.)

-          Check back each Sunday, during the month of July, as new photos of the puppies will be posted for inspiration.

-          Submit your entry with all six names to my personal e-mail or tweet using hashtag #sadiesapiens.

-          All entries must be received by Saturday, August 1st.

-          The winner will be announced on my blog Sunday, August 9th.

-          The winner will receive the following prizes:  A copy of SADIE SAPIENS (the first installment of my life story) in book form, along with a copy of the audiobook version of SADIE SAPIENS, and a copy of CANINE COLONY ( the newest story about my family and me.)

Okay, it’s time now to introduce you the six puppies!!

PUPPY # 1 (male, big)   

PUPPY # 2 (male, medium size)

PUPPY # 3  (male, medium size)                       
PUPPY # 4  (female, runt)   

PUPPY # 5  (male, runt)   

PUPPY # 6  (male, biggest) 

Have a safe and fun holiday weekend.  I’ll see you all back here on Tuesday, July 7th !   Love, Sadie”