Sadie Sapiens

Thursday, April 30, 2015

In case you missed it…

"Hi everyone, it's me Sadie.  In case you missed the splendid news I shared last week, my pack leader and primary alter ego, author Jeff T. Bauer has finished the sequel to my life story and it's called CANINE COLONY.  Currently, the manuscript is being considered for publication through Amazon's Kindle Scout program, where readers opinions (votes) count in consideration toward the publishing process.  So, I need your help.  Please take a moment to cast your vote for the publishing of CANINE COLONY.  Below is the awesome cover art, a synopsis of the story, plus the link to cast your vote for my sequel. You'll also be able to read several sample chapters of this amazing story when you follow the link. Thank you so much for your love and support!  Sadie :) "


Canine Colony by Jeff T Bauer 

Dogs know some bonds can never be broken.

Sadie, a tiny Chihuahua who’s learned how to communicate, enjoys a tight bond with her pack of humans at the Institute for Non-Human Intelligence. Surrounded by loving people who support her, Sadie is driven by a primal need to find her lost puppies. Puppies torn from her cage at a puppy mill and scattered to the four corners of the earth. She wonders if they still live. Are they also intelligent? Mix in a colony of self-organizing dogs that want to be left alone and humans that hate them. Ruff.


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