Sadie Sapiens

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tais Tói in Ireland

“Hi, it’s me Sadie here. My cyber pal, the beautiful and famous, Tais Tói, a/k/a Jolie, who is a member of the performance Renaissance troop, TheTrouvéres is checking in while on her world tour to report on her newest, and most appropriate location to celebrate the day."

“Jolie” photo courtesy of daddy & mommy, Michael and Grace Peters

"Tais Tói says, ‘Top of the mornin’ to you friends and fans! I just love Ireland! Everyone here knows how to put on a fine party! I’ve been enjoying the yummiest corned beef, cabbage and soda bread, and I got this wonderful new hat! What do you think, is it festive enough and is it me? Well, till next time, may the road rise up to meet you, Erin go Bragh, and Sláinte! HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!!!  <3 Tais Tói"'

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